The 1960's

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Many social changes that were addressed in the 1960s are still the issues being confronted today. The '60s was a decade of social and political upheaval. In spite of all the turmoil, there were some positive results: the civil rights revolution, john f. Kennedy's bold vision of a new frontier, and the breathtaking advances in space, helped bring about progress and prosperity. However, much was negative: student and anti-war protest movements, political assassinations, and …

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…Airplane, and Bob Dylan. To many adults of the time Woodstock was simply a freak out, a "monstrous Dionysian revel," where a group of druggist got together to drop acid and groove to hours of "amplified cacophony." In reality the impact Woodstock had on the youth culture can hardly be overestimated. In closing, the 60's was in one perspective, a decade of peace and love, but in another perspective a decade of war and struggle.