The 1920s as a New Age.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The 1920's was a period of change and turmoil for the US on all fronts. Suffering from post-war withdrawal and home grown prosperity this decade can be argued as a period of anxiety, intolerance, hedonism, and liberation. While one aspect of the American lifestyle burgeoned with new culture and technology the other spiraled towards isolationism and nativism. The fear of communism and foreign encroachment on American government and values led to much anxiety and intolerance. …

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…and Freudian thinking. The advent of the radio, car, and talking movie also helped spread American culture. Liberation was also benefited by the car allowing youths and women to travel beyond the grasps of husbands and parents allowing for more job availability for women and more freedom for kids. The age of the 1920's although shunning and discriminating against many new groups of Americans and immigrants also fostered the modernist culture and new American values.