The 1905 Russian Revolution

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Essay Database > History
1905 Russian Revolution The causes of the 1905 revolution in Russia can be traced back as far as 1861. The Tsars who ruled in Russia were firm autocrats in an era where the nearby Europe was transforming to liberalism and republicanism. The influence of these groups, as well as internal problems and foreign policy were all causes of the revolution. Although the outcome of the revolution saw the settings up of the Duma, these were controlled to reign …

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…at a cost of over 1000 lives. <Tab/> That year had not been an easy one for Nicholas, starting as the 'Little Father' of his people and finishing it considered by many as 'Nicholas the Bloody'. The revolutionaries did not achieve exactly what was wanted, but instead raised awareness and realised that a unified voice was extremely powerful in achieving what was need and eventually received. <Tab/>974 words