The 1863 Draft Riots: New York City Under Siege

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Essay Database > History > North American History
<Tab/>For five days in July 1863, armed mobs interrupted enforcement of the first federal conscription and struggled with authorities on the streets of New York City. What began as a demonstration against the draft expanded into a sweeping assault against Republican Party notables, moral reformers and reform institutions, war-related industries, tax collectors, policemen and soldiers, urban transportation and communication lines, and waterfront brothel keepers (to name only some of the targets) …

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…Were Doing? 3-Cody, George D. "For Young Black Men Trouble Starts Early; Draft Riots of 1863". The New York Times. May 27, 1992. 4-Herbert, Bob. "In America Days of Terror". The New York Times. October 19, 1997. 5-Wright, C. et al. New York and the Rise of American Capitalism. New York: Historical Society, 1989.