The Affects WWII had on America

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Essay Database > History
World War II had an immeasurable affect on the United States; socially, culturally, politically and economically. The post-war era possessed many significant changes in the lives of Americans. Even to this day, it contributes to our daily lives. Women played a great role during this era, socially and culturally. Their wartime duty to produce the goods needed for victory was replaced with their postwar obligation to withdraw from the labor force and attend to their …

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…itself changed, as fewer people worked on farms, white -collar employment overtook manufacturing jobs, and women's employment grew. Despite, these economic shifts disadvantaged some segments of the population, by leaving 20 percent of Americans living in poverty. With a vastly expanded productive capacity, a monopoly on atomic weapons, and supreme confidence in American institutions, the United States emerged from the war as the most powerful nation on the planet in the unprecedented role of world leadership.