The (Mis) Education

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
The (Mis) Education <Tab/>Our musical taste buds have become overwhelmed by a growing variety of genres that have been engineered to grab our attention the performers' flashy, skimpy outfits or the latest verbal digression. Many argue that these new styles of music have deprived the students of efficient learning, distracting them from the goals in their lives and contributing to their loss of any and all initiative to succeed. Adolescents …

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…and for the society that surrounds them. The older generation blames the media for exposing their children to such filth, but the children complain that it is simply a result of narrow-minded adults who are unable or unwilling to understand a new culture that is ready to burst through the surface. But the question remains: Why is the media being blamed for a fault that lies within its audience? They are only feeding our hunger.