"That Woman on the Lawn" by Ray Bradbury

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
In the poem "That Woman on the Lawn" by Ray Bradbury, the speaker experiences many different emotions throughout. His emotions seem to change from happy, sad, angry, or sometimes he is alright with the situation. You'd think that a person would be emotional when they see the ghost of their dead mother, and the author portrays his feelings throughout. Bradbury uses many key words and syntax to make these emotions come alive through the whole …

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…what she's doing and he doesn't "mind". In conclusion, Bradbury uses diction and syntax to emphasize the speaker's emotions in the poem. He changes the speakers emotions throughout, making the reader be on his or her toes. It seems that without this change of emotions, the poem wouldn't be the same. The speaker is going through some kind of crisis--seeing the ghost of his mom, and Bradbury lets the reader in to his thoughts subtlety.