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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
Introduction Located amidst a booming region, Thailand boasts one of the fastest growing Economies in Southeast Asia. Known as the "Land of Smiles," Thailand has Enjoyed an abundance of good fortune as both domestic and foreign businesses rush to invest. From 1988 to 1994, Thailand's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew at an average rate of 10%, and Thailand hopes to maintain a similar level of growth into the twenty-first century. Thailand has transformed from a traditionally agrarian economy …

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…political upheaval in the recent past, its economy has not faltered. The government has continually been future-oriented in helping to advance the economy and simultaneously improve its human resources. The Thai government and Board of Investment have welcomed foreign investment and promoted the private sector by offering such incentives as multiple tax breaks and import duty exemptions. The overall quality of human resources is improving and the conditions that govern them are becoming more sophisticated.