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Essay Database > Literature > English
All travel could be said to inform us of the outside world so as to illuminate our interior geography. Some countries clearly have more potential than others to add to our enlightenment. Thailand is one of the special countries that can enhance a traveler's worldview in major ways. Why? Because the Thais have contributed enormously to architecture, art, Buddhistic religious thought, and the political development of Southeast Asia. To the western mind, Thailand offers a …

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…licensed guide services in Bangkok. A licensed guide with both knowledge of the culture and a command of English will be critical for your understanding of Ayuthaya and Sukhothai. Bangkok offers hotels in all price ranges. Some major hotels, such as the Shangri La, Oriental, and Royal Orchid are on the Chao Praya River downstream from the old royal city. Transport from the hotels to this cultural area is easy via express river taxi boat.