Thailand - UHT Flavored Milk

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Pages: 13
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Marketing and Advertising
The amount of milk consumed in Thailand, has trebled since 1987. (Anonymous, 1993, p73) The Thai government has increasingly encouraged young Thai's to drink milk and other dairy products thus Thai's have increased their consumption of coloured and sweetened milk. Additionally they have started educational programs that emphasize the goodness of milk. (Tasker, 1997, p46) Our group decided to select a joint venture, providing flavored milk, as there presently is limited flavored milk in Thailand, thus indicating to …

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…Publishers, New York *<Tab/>"The World Book Encyclopedia" (1991) Volume 19, T, World Book Inc, Chicago *<Tab/>"The World Reporter TM (Jan 2000) "DAIRY INDUSTRY: Small milk plants warned to boost standards or fail" Asia Intelligence Wire *<Tab/> *<Tab/> *<Tab/>The Royal Thai Government