Texts discussed are: This Lime Tree Bower My Prison'-Coleridge 'The Wind in the Willows' - Kenneth Grahame 'The Art of Happiness - His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C.

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Essay Database > Literature
What is a journey? What are its merits? Is a journey merely a distance traveled? Or is there a greater meaning behind every step that is taken, metaphorically or not? Today I am here to give my understanding of journey at this local Arts festival. But I am still, as yet, unable to give my definition of journey as I feel there is still much to learn about this concept. Perhaps this is, after all, …

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…an imaginative journey is certainly a complex state of mind. Each of the texts has one key point; 'Lime Tree' tells us that the journey is for enjoyment, 'Wind in the Willows' implies that there are risks in the journey and 'Art of Happiness' portrays the need for self-involvement in the journey. My concluding belief is that although I have come to understand certain aspects of the journey there are many more to be learnt.