Texas Instruments

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Texas Instruments Inc. Texas Instruments began its corporate life in 1930 as a company called Geophysical Service, which was a petroleum-exploration firm founded by a couple of eager men by the names of Dr. J. Clarence("Doc") Karcher and Eugene McDermott. They used seismology to find oil. It entered the defense electronics business during the 1940's and performed contracts for the Army and Navy Signal Corps. The company's name changed to Texas Instruments in 1951 and bought …

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…value in the past months because of the crash in the Nasdaq, judging by their long term performance I would definitely invest my money in Texas instruments for a long term financial gain. The world wide leader and pioneer in digital signal processing solutions since 1982, Texas Instruments provides innovations DSP and mixed signal/analog technologies to more than 30,000 customers in the computer, wireless communications, networking, Internet, consumer, digital motor control and mass storage markets worldwide.