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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The year 1968 was a big turning point in the Vietnam War, because L.B.Johnson had increased its commitment to S.Vietnam. In February 1968, the Vietcong launched the Tet Offensive against S.Vietnam and US; also, it caused US withdrawal indirectly. What made the Tet Offensive so important? Politically, at the begging of the war, the US government thought that they would absolutely win in the Vietnam War because America was a world superpower all …

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…have a demoralizing effect even on those Americans who supported the war. As leading US general commented at the time " the average citizen perceived that we didn't know what the hell we were doing". In conclusion, from the political, military and social views, it all shows Tet Offensive important because it demoralized public opinion against war. And as a result it led to the withdrawal of the US and the end of the Vietnam War.