Tet Offensive

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Essay Database > History
Lyndon Baines Johnson & the Tet Offensive: Research It was thirty years ago that the Tet Offensive (named General Offensive-General Uprising by the North Vietnamese) began in South Vietnam. Although intelligence estimates indicated an unprecedented amount of supplies were moving down the Ho Chi Minh Trail and three North Vietnamese Division Headquarters and seven regiments (about 15,000 men) had arrived near Khe Sanh, north of Hue, the U.S. leadership did not fully understand the gravity of …

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…also saw the gradual withdrawal of the Allied forces from Vietnam and in political terms, the turmoil that followed the Tet offensive in 1968 signaled the end of the Allied involvement in the war. The Tet offensive of 1968 demonstrated that despite the element of surprise, American soldiers were able to repel determined and well coordinated attacks. Small unit tactics, excellent NCO leadership, and determination of the soldiers were able to turn the tide for the Americans.