Tet Offensive

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
On January 31, 1968 The National Liberation Front launched a surprise attack on South Vietnam called the Tet Offensive. The offensive targeted over 100 different targets throughout South Vietnam. The attack occurred during a cease-fire for the Vietnamese New Year of Tet. The battle was a critical moment during the war, it changed many Americans opinion about the war. <Tab/>The North Vietnamese started the attack by massing large amounts of troops around the …

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…of the city. <Tab/>The offensive was a large military defeat for the North Vietnamese. They had over 35,000 causalities and were forced to retreat from all of the cities that they had captured, while South Vietnamese and American casualties were 4,300. Even though the North Vietnamese lost the battle many people in America changed their opinion about the war because of it. They saw that the enemy was stronger then they thought.