Tet Offensive

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Essay Database > History
The Tet Offensive Vietnam was not only a war to the American people it was a massacre. The Tet Offensive was a Vietnamese lunar holiday, which celebrated the year of the monkey, which was usually a very peaceful and calm period but not at this time. This certain day was supposed to be a celebrated cease-fire holiday until the NLF(National Liberation Forces), NVA(North Vietnam Army), and the Vietcong forces unleashed the biggest surprise …

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…they controlled the villages and the countryside, making the US forces jobs much more difficult. The Tet offensive of 1968 demonstrated that the element of surprise was a key tactic in war. Hopefully the Vietnam War and the Tet Offensive have given the world a reason not to go to war because everyone knows with war comes death and with death comes revenge. It seems like war is a never ending cycle of failure and defeat.