Testing for Honesty

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
According to the Salvation Army, "charity begins at home." The Salvation Army realized that it had a problem with theft among its kettle workers, the people who collect money for the Army during Christmas season. Apparently, some of the kettlers were helping themselves to the Army's money before the organization had a chance to give it out. To put a stop to this problem the Salvation Army along with other business organizations implemented the use …

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…are too prone to error because these psychological profiling test and behavioral test questions don't all relate to an individuals honesty, which is the major point behind implementing these "honesty tests" Therefore, it seems that these tests do not ask directly about a applicant's past honesty and are poor indicators of future trustworthiness. The tests merely seem to act as social weeding tools that pass judgment on the intimate details and opinions of prospective employees.