"Testimony before the U.S. Senate, 1883" and "The Political Economy of Seventy-three Million Dollars, 1882," to compare and contrast the two different view points.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Gould v. Lloyd Are government regulations really needed in the late 1800's to stabilize industrialization or is "control by the government...contrary to our institution..?" To better describe the long time feud between ideas, we will be using two documents titled "Testimony before the U.S. Senate, 1883" and "The Political Economy of Seventy-three Million Dollars, 1882," to compare and contrast the two different view points of industrialization. The first document is about Jay Gould, as a …

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…opposing views. While hard work and dedication has brought Gould to be a "Social Darwinist" "Self-made man", Lloyd's middle class Christian Socialism ways have made him into a very moderate communist that supports the well being of all the social classes. Between the late 1800's and now the question between Gould's philosophy and Lloyd's philosophy is still a huge question, so for then and now there will never be an exact right and a wrong.