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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Walden Two, by B.F. Skinner was published by the Macmillan Company in 1948 is a spinoff of Henry David Thoreau's Walden. It is an expansion of the creation of a Utopian society. The society is the creation of T.E. Frazier and is run under his guidance. The story starts with Professor Burris being prompted by one of his prior students to find some information on the existence of Walden Two. The gentleman are asked …

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…as Frazier put it, "experimental breeding." The breeding and use of positive traits to create a more effective and gentler society was the next issue for the society to conquer. The society runs with positive reinforcement for positive actions, but to create the desired actions, the conditioning began at youth. Bibliography gentler society was the next issue for the society to conquer. The society runs with positive reinforcement for positive actions, but to create the