Tess Durbeyfield Guilty or not Guilty

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Grant Gardner- grantg103@hotmail.com CP English IV January 11, 1998 Tess Durbeyfield, Guilty or not Guilty In the book Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy, Tess Durbeyfield suffers a great deal of tribulation in her tragic life. Although her life is filled with misfortune, she is not responsible for these tragic events. One of the first tragedies in Tess' life, that seems to lead to all the others, is when she falls asleep as she …

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…When she learns that Alec is not her cousin and that he was wrong for making Tess believe that Angel would never come, she takes out all her anger and frustration in an impulsive crime of passion. Tess is wrong for doing this, but she does not deserve to be hanged. In conclusion, Tess Durbeyfield is indeed a pure woman who just happens to be extremely unlucky either by coincidence or by fate. Word Count: 563