Terrorism Policy

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Problem Definition Terrorism, Canada as a opportunity structure ii)Definition: according to the CSIS Act terrorism is "Activities....directed toward or in support of the threat or use of acts of serious violence against persons or property fro the purpose of achieving a political objective within Canada or a foreign state" This definition sounds ominous and foreboding yet the vast majority of Canadians do not views terrorism as a Canadien problem. For most it is …

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…be a severe drop in active terrorist groups due to their realization that Canada would no longer be a suitable base of operation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** References Elcock, Ward, CSIS Counter-Terrorism, (http://www.csis-scrs.gc.ca/eng/miscdocs/200004e.html,2000). Hamilton, Heather, The Hand of Terror (http://www.rcmp.ca/frames/rcmp-grc1.htm,2000). Kelley ,M.,william, The Report of the Senate Committee on Security and Intelligence(1999). Moore, Dene, Sikh religion scarred by Air-India tragedy(thetorontostar.com, 2000).