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Essay Database > Literature
"Terrorism" is a technique, not a country or an ideology, and having a war on terror makes about as much sense as having a war on carpentry". Terrorism is never justified, but at the same time it's simply a tactic used in an unjust world. It's the logical method of fighting an opponent with an overwhelming conventional military advantage. The point is this: terrorism is good or evil, admirable or reprehensible, in the same degree …

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…up fighting, refuses to give up his aim of destroying Israel. It's also why there will never be peace in Palestine while Arafat and his people are in command. As I say every so often, terrorism is a way of justifying the actions of people who would otherwise be criminals, mass murderers, or serial killers. A psychopath or sociopath may have trouble fitting in to regular society; they seem to prosper in extremist organizations, however..