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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Freedom is the right of individuals to act as they choose. Our freedom is taken away from us though when terrorism strikes. Terrorism implants fear in to the minds of all and disrupts our everyday actions. On September 11, 2001 a tragedy occurred in New York City, at the World Trade Center. Two hijacked airplanes were flown straight into the twin towers killing over 6,000 people and injuring the minds of all Americans. This violent act of terrorism …

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…about the recent attacks I got chills just knowing how many people had died in the tragic event. It is really hard and will take time for many people to get over this event. The fear is still in many of us. The citizens of the U.S. will always stand together and realize that the colors in our flag do not run. We will win this war that the President has declared on terrorism.