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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Through the use of terror, technology, literature, and science, European powers forced European culture, religion and thus enlightenment on the so-called inferior races of the world. On many occasions as cultures resisted the infringement of unfamiliar values into their cultures, violence would result. In essence colonialism is in itself a form of marginalization and an attempt to wipe out ethnic tradition and culture, and replace these with the traditions of Europe. European imperialism meant brutal …

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…gt;Conrad, J. Heart of Darkness. Penguin, 2000 ·<Tab/>Lindqvist, S. Exterminate all the Brutes, The New Press, 1996. ·<Tab/>Shiva, V. Biopiracy, Between the Lines, 1997, chapter 6, pp. 101-117 ·<Tab/>Taussig, M. "A Culture of Terror-Space of Death: Roger Casement's Putumayo Report and the Explanation of Torture," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 26(July), 1984, pp.467-497. .