Terroism in the world today their issues and bombing in london.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Terrorism in society is increasing at an alarming rate. And within the last week it has appeared in London (England), where four bombs were set off. Killing approximately 50 people and injuring many more. One of the most concerning developments of this wave of bombing is that the bombers were not from another country but was actually born and bred in England. Terrorism in society is now a worldwide event, with suicide bombers active in Iraq, …

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…experts in the world today believe that the war on terrorism will be going on for years and will be fought in all areas of the world. In the mean time it is up to all the security organizations to be highly alert and most of all that the general public be aware of any unusual or suspicious activity that they may come across and report it. Together with continuous and on going political negotiations.