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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the land of Terra There lived a peaceful race; Men were strong with honor And women fair of face. And in this land, Helios Daily made abode: Golden fingers lighting Every city, every grove. Not a place of fortunes, But full of love and life. Untouched by the twisted claws Of hate, of war, of strife. They were far removed from The cold and ice-clad north, A place from whence wicked men And monsters …

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…would never fly again. Her head rested on the ground Her silver light began to fade. The life slowly left her eyes Leaving them a dull gray shade. So the people met their goal. No longer would the dragon stir. But they had hurt their country In a way no man could cure. Crops no longer prospered, Flowers rarely bloomed. For with the death of the dragon Also had they sealed their doom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**