Tells opinion, summary, anaylsis of characters, & literary devices used in the Prince Of Tides.

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I really enjoyed the book Prince of Tides. I would go as far to say that it was one of my all time favorite books. I was moved by a lot of the situations and controversies Conroy brought up in the stories. It was a very real book and you can relate to a lot of what the author is referring to at any point in the interesting book. Some of the tings that made …

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…Dr. Lowenstien to help her get better. Luke Wingo was the eldest child and was probably physically the strongest. He would often take beatings from his father for no reason. His father would go into rages where he would hit Luke just to release anger. But Luke never complained. He was not going to let his father win and would often stick up for any one of his siblings and take the beatings for them.