Television can be harmful to children

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
Television can be harmful to children in many ways. Television destroys their ability to think creatively. Television minimizes children's social skills. Television also aids in weight gain. It also gives children violent ideas. Television can be a great educational tool but should be monitored and explained at all times. When a child watches television, they do not have to use their thinking skills. Television is taking away the traditional way of classroom learning. They have …

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…Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2002, March 26). Children and TV violence. Retrieved March 26, 2002 from The Centers for disease control. (2000). Television and obesity among children. Retrieved March 20, 2002 from National Institute on Media and the Family: UCLA Center for Communication Policy Television Violence Monitoring Project. (1995, October 10). Children's Television on the Broadcast Networks. Retrieved March 27, 2002 from UCLA: