Television, It's Past and Future

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Television For many people, television is an interesting device. Despite this fact, however, many people do not know how it works. First, one must start with the many inventors. Television, unlike many other modern inventions, did not have a single inventor. There were many people that participated in its creation. Television was, however, created in the United States. One of the men that participated in the invention was Dr. Vladimir Zworykin (Winship 1). Dr. Zworykin invented …

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…the living room. There are many people and things that come together to make the quality programming that is seen on television every night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Winship, Michael. Television. New York: Random House, 1988. Irvine, Mat. TV & Video. New York: Aladdin, 1983. Floherty, John J. Television Story. Philadelphia: Lippencott, 1957. Gruley, Bryan & Kyle Pope. "So What Exactly Is Digital Television?" Wall Street Journal 27 Mar. 1997, B1+. "Basic High Definition Information."