Teenagers and technology

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports
Gossip, anger and attitude have long defined teenage communication, extending their tendrils through passed notes and meandering telephone calls as teens hash out happenings both mundane and profound in their lives: a friend's detention, a glance from a cute girl, worries about an impending college application, a crush on an apparently oblivious guy. But with ever-greater access to the Internet, those conversations are occurring ever-more publicly as a growing number of teenagers create blogs, or …

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…to clear their heads, stow their thoughts and get feedback from peers. Their blogs enable them to connect with friends old and current. And, given their penchant for latching onto new technology, it's not surprising young people also are blogging at a much higher rate than adults. These blogs are windows into young minds. It's where they can post text, photos, even audio and video, about the minutiae of the everyday, their interests and dreams.