Teenage pregnancies resulting in abortions.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Every day, an overwhelming amount of human beings' lives are terminated. The culprit: unwanted pregnancies. Many woman are (not by choice), becoming pregnant as a result of unsafe sex, rape, and other things. So what is one to do when they discover that they're pregnant? They have some alternatives: (1) have the child and raise it (2) have the child, then give it up for adoption (3) get an abortion. Sadly, many women choose alternative three, unaware of …

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…and everyone with similar genetic coding. Therefore, if a baby is viable, then it's murder, not abortion, because abortion is when the baby isn't capable of living. Hopefully in the future, more people will be aware of the cruelty of abortion and the numbers will drop. Instead, try single-parenting or giving him/her up for adoption. There are currently 400,000 couples in America trying to adopt. Keep others aware of this horrible procedure. Spare a life.