Teen Violence 4

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
It has been recognized nationally that Teen Violence is a continually growing problem, yet the correct solution remains an even larger problem. However, if we look at the main causes behind the violence in today s teens, it may make the solution simpler. One of the main causes for teen violence in America today is poverty. The 1995 Tuxemburg Income Study found the US raises three to eight times more children in poverty than other nations. …

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…is difficult for the teacher to make contact with every student every day, however, the extra effort must be made. It is essential in assuring that the students are involved in school and in preventing and predicting future problems. Overall, even as large as the teen violence problem may seem, the reasons behind it are simple and highly correctable. With everyone working together, it is possible to prevent future tragedies due to violent youth acts.