Teen Suicide.
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Pages: 6
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Pages: 6
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Why do Teens Contemplate Suicide? As the third largest cause of death between the ages of 15 and 24, the adolescent suicide rate has tripled since 1960. This is the only age group in which an increase has occurred over the last three decades. While there are approximately 10,000 reported teen suicides annually, it is estimated that the number of teen suicides is actually three to four times that number when unreported deaths and "suicide equivalents" are added. The
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shocking five million people in America have attempted suicide and failed. There are many signs and reasons people commit and attempt to commit suicide. They are usually in extreme emotional pain. They do not see another way out of their problems. These victims of emotions running rampant need lots of love and understanding. But what they need most is someone to really listen to them and tell them, "I do not want you to die."
shocking five million people in America have attempted suicide and failed. There are many signs and reasons people commit and attempt to commit suicide. They are usually in extreme emotional pain. They do not see another way out of their problems. These victims of emotions running rampant need lots of love and understanding. But what they need most is someone to really listen to them and tell them, "I do not want you to die."