Teen Runaways: Should We Force Them Home?

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"Responsible Canadians should realize that children are not small adults. They do have rights, but those rights are not licenses to destroy future opportunities." (Crosby, Teen Runaways p. 161) When battling the issue of teen runaways, we must first address reasons that prompt their flight. Legitimate abuse cases or instances where teenagers are mistreated in their homes obviously debate against the idea of legislating the forceful restoration of a child to his or her family home …

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…runaways in its early stages, it is safe to conclude that many of these vulnerable teenagers will be exploited and forced into a life of crime, thus causing a bigger problem for our society. The restrictions on youths following the law passed, is but "a small price to pay for saving countless children from exploitation" (Crosby, Teen Runaways p. 161) Works Cited: Crosby, H. & Weagant, B. Teen Runaways: Should We Force Them Home? 157-161