Teen Pregnancy

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Teen Pregnancy Do you enjoy sex? Are you ready to take a chance when you are only a teenager? Are you ready to be a parent? I didn't think so. Most of us are still in high school and enjoying our social lives. Can you believe that only 1/3 of teenage mothers receive their high school diplomas. Nearly 80 percent of unmarried teen mothers end up on welfare. The daughters of teen mothers are 22% more likely to …

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…to more actively present to disadvantaged teens, in particular, a broader vision of their life possibilities. And we need to provide them with more targeted academic and job opportunities. An estimated 85 percent of teen pregnancies are unintentional.19 But, too many teenagers become parents either because they cannot envision another positive future direction to their lives or because they lack concrete educational or employment goals and opportunities that would convince them to delay parenthood. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**