Technology in sports

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Pages: 7
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
(excellent paper critiquing technology being used in sports and sports equipment. In my opinion, picky grading preventing this from being a 100% paper. Grade comments were not enough development on the human-technology aspects and the affect on the actual games.) Technology in Sports <Tab/>Sport has been an everlasting part of people's lives while technology has just recently come on like gangbusters into people's lives. With sport there is the intense competition …

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…and successful IT...Aug 31, 2004 (author unknown) Stripped down and ready to play... Oct 12, 1997 (author unknown) Technology at the Olympics. Oct. 12, 1997 Footnote 1: Arnheim was an online source but the original source authored by Arnheim was not provided. Footnote 2: Coakley was an online source but the original source authored by Coakley was not provided.