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Essay Database > Science & Technology
TECHONOLOGY Just imagine a society where each of the blue-collared working class members has the privilege to lie around their homes, watching Jerry Springer and indulging in the fine delicacy of junk food all day. A worldly population that is trapped within the massive corporate world is unavoidable. Cities run by powerful, bloodthirsty executive committees, seeking to increase their profit margin by providing a surplus amount goods for the people, but at the same time …

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…the Army High Performance Computing Research Center. "The Army High Performance Computing Research Center was established to implement a program of research, advanced systems acquisitions, and infrastructure support."(Roland Cao) Where is the world headed towards the new millenium? Should we condemn science and technology for they have caused death and disease? Or should we put our confidence in the science and it's "understanding". Only time will tell what lies ahead of the curious cat.