Techniques of Carl Sandburg in "Chicago Poems"

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Carl Sandburg, one of America's most beloved poets, was born in 1878 in Galesburg, Illinois. Born poor to Swedish immigrants, Sandburg grew up to live the American dream. In 1951, Sandburg won the Pulitzer Prize for his book Complete Poems, which is a collection of six volumes of poetry including a New Section of seventy-four poems not previously included. He moved to Chicago in 1913 and began to write a series of poems about the Chicago life style. …

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…realistic views pertaining to the energy and brutality of urban industrial life. "Bibliography" Stephen Vincent Benet, "Carl Sandburg--Poet of the Prairie People," in New York Herald Tribune Books, August 23, 1936, pgs. 1-2. Biographical Article "Carl Sandburg." DISCovering Authors. Detroit: Gale Research, 1993. "Overview of Author's Works and Career" DISCovering Authors, 1993. Sandburg, Carl. Complete Poems. New York: Brace And Company, 1950. "Sandburg, Carl" Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 1994. Louis Untermeyer, "Strong Timber," in The Dial, Chicago, Vol. LXV, October 5, 1918, pgs. 263-64.