Technical Review of "The Shawshank Redemption" (Comment on the techniques and themes used in the movie)

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
"The Shawshank Redemption" is a 1994 film which is your basic "prison" movie. I was apprehensive and sceptical at first about the movie but while watching I found the movie has many hidden messages. These messages, or motifs, have been done subliminally and you cannot pick them out on your first viewing. There are many techniques used such as themes/messages, colours, music, lighting and hostility which make the film gain a more meaningful message. "The …

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…was not really essential to the movie but it was okay. I did not enjoy the violence as much only because I thought it was too extreme and the movie still would have been good if the violence was toned down. Normally, the "prison" themed movies are not one that I would normally like to see, but it was very well done. This is a feel-good movie which leaves you wanting more at the end.