Teapot Dome

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Essay Database > History
In Beverly Hills there is a castle called Greystone. Looming above Sunset Boulevard like a medieval fortress, this Roaring Twenties mansion and its oil-soaked grounds stand as a monument to one of the great rags-to-riches-to-disgrace stories in America: the Teapot Dome Scandal. Ironically, at the bottom of Greystone's 12 acre hill slope, raw, crude oil seeps from the ground. To contain this pollution, a special drainage system has been constructed. Appropriately, one could say that Greystone …

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…made a cash purchase of a large piece of adjacent land. Expensive cattle and horses were soon roaming the range. Over the ensuing months, "Three Rivers" became a model ranch. In January of 1923, Fall decided to retire from public life. President Harding expressed his deep regret that this tireless public servant chose not to continue his valuable contributions to the nation. The president even offered him an appointment to the Supreme Court, to no avail.