Teacher Student Interactions and Race in Integrated Classrooms

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
"Teacher--Student Interactions and Race in Integrated Classrooms" Studies have shown in the past that there is racial bias in classrooms. Many say that African American students are treated more poorly than Caucasian American students. Examples include less student-teacher interaction, less praise given and less help being given to African American students. A recent study showed that approximately 9 out of 10 teachers are Caucasian females from predominantly suburban settings. The study concluded that, from their background, these …

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…out, some students are ignored and their questions not answered. Every day people talk about the youth of America and how they will become teachers, lawyers, maybe even the president someday! Before these children can get anywhere, they need to have a good education behind them and having poorly educated teachers is going to get them nowhere fast. Bibliography Casteel, Clifton A. (1998). Teacher--Student Interactions and Race in Integrated Classrooms. The Journal of Educational Research, 92, 115-121.