Teach YOur Children Well1

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
New California law states that it is up to the prosecutors in a case as to whether minors are charged as adults for violent crimes. What should a judge do when eight boys from suburban middle class families, confess to armed robbery and assault and battery of five Hispanic immigrant farm workers? In this case, one must realize what a delicate situation this has come to be. If tried as adults these eight boys could …

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…Boston. Bedford/St. Martin's. 2000. 588-590. O'Leary, Bradley. Elements of Argument. "Justice for Young Criminals: Emphasize Punishment." Boston. Bedford/St. Martin's. 2000. 590-591. Twitchell, James B. Elements of Argument. "The Law and Shame." Boston. Bedford/St. Martin's. 2000. 606-613. Bibliography Bad argument paper for English class about Punishment and a case involving California teens who committed a crime. Heavy use of book - Elements Of Argument - for works cited(we were supposed to). I got a C.