Taxi Driver Movie Review Film Studies The essay is about 500 words

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Director Martin Scorsese had established himself as a promising filmmaker with his breakthrough film Mean Streets a few years earlier, but with Taxi Driver he exploded onto the scene as a thrilling visionary director. His kinetic, brooding style has never been used better. Through cinematographer Michael Chapman, his camera glides through the hellish streets of New York with the same detached menace as Travis played by Robert De Niro, always adding a remarkable energy to …

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…of a man and a society unhinged spoke resonantly to the mid 1970's audience. Taxi Driver went on to win the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival, but it lost the Best Picture Oscar to the more comforting Rocky. Anchored by De Niro's disturbing embodiment of "God's lonely man," Taxi Driver remains a striking milestone of both Scorsese's career and 1970's Hollywood. Bibliography 1)<Tab/>Taxi Driver (1970) - Robert De Niro