Taxation of the Church

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Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and the Vietnam Veteran Combat in war poses many hardships for the men who fight. Living conditions are usually harsh and exposure to traumatic events the norm. During the middle part of this century America sent young men off to Vietnam to battle communism. When those that survived returned, their pain and suffering did not end. An unthankful society and exposure to extreme trauma suffered by these soldiers developed into PostTraumatic …

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…of PTSD B. Reasons why it is caused in veterans C. Why age is important to the development of PTSD II. Problems facing veterans dealing with PTSD when they come home from combat A. Non self disclosure and isolation B. Feelings of anger C. Guilt and flashbacks III. How PTSD affects the family unit A. Lack of communication and intimacy B. How children are affected C. How it affects the woman's role in the family