Task: In a well-organized essay, briefly summarize the King's thoughts and analyze how the diction, imagery, and syntax help to convey his state of mind.

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Essay Database > Literature
In the soliloquy from Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part II, King Henry is prodigiously vexed by his inability to sleep. In addressing sleep itself, with the use of an apostrophe, he hopes to persuade it to fall upon him by asking various rhetorical questions. He pleads with sleep for it to abandon its partiality and bestow upon him some rest, as it does upon the commoners. At the end of the passage, however, his indignation turns …

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…no sentences in the passage are declarative. The fact that the king ends his soliloquy with the statement "...Uneasy is the head that wears a crown." suggests that after much indignation he finally reaches a point of resignation. He realizes that his privileged social position does not help him curry favor from sleep. The king accepts his burden of discomfort for lack of sleep, and concludes that it is a consequence from his ruling position.