Taming the Shrew and Strretcar.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Lies and deception are told to utter a false shield of the truth. Thus, false illusions are the out come or result and combination of the two. In the plays, Taming of the Shrewd by William Shakespeare and A Streetcar Name Desire by Tennessee Williams, the characters hide themselves under false illusions through their lies and deceptions. In the end these false illusions are the agent of change however ever if examined closely the endings …

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…if examined closely you can see this is an illusion on its on. She is happy but the way, in which she is happy, that is the game that she plays on Petruchio is a false illusion. The authors Shakespeare and Williams of the plays leave a message to the audiences, that is, all lies and deceptions result in bad outcome, whether they are revealed clearly at the end or there hidden, they are there.