Talks about the levels of religion (Tolerant and intolerant)that were found in North America before 1700).

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Although the colonies established before the 1700s were formed by people who emigrated from countries of strict Christianity, many colonies developed their own religious beliefs. By the year 1700, there was a scale of religious freedom ranging from high tolerance to low tolerance. Groups of strict, accepting, and very liberal religions were spread throughout the colonies. Thus, among the British North American colonies, several differences formed in relation to religious freedom. In the late 1620s, a …

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…in the country. North America's first synagogue was built in New York in 1730. Even African Americans were free to practice their own religion. They actually made up over 15% of the religious population. In summary, North America had several differing opinions when it came to religion. From Puritans to Quakers to Jews, North America was full of diversity and variety. In the 1700s, the British North American colonies were open to an assorted range of beliefs.