Talks about people in Afganistan and is about the different wars and if war is necessary

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Essay Database > Law & Government
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand steady to violence on their behalf." - George Orwell <Tab/>War is usually inevitable. It can be avoided for awhile, but eventually it will occur. Countries fight over power, religion, money, and land. So is war immoral? Is it ever justified? Imagine what our lives would be like if we never went to war. Many things have came …

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…the one who causes it in the first place, and we have to finish what we start. Peace will only happen when everyone agrees, and in a world like ours, well that is an impossible thing. We will always be at war, because we have been at war since Adam and Eve were created. There has always been a raging war between good and evil, and in this case I hope that good is victorious.