Talking-Story in Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston

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What Are You Talking-Story About? Maxine Hong Kingston is arguably one of today's most outspoken contemporary feminist writers. However, when she was initially thrown into an American lifestyle by her parents, she faced enormous difficulties in cultural divergence, leaving her to question everything she has ever learned. Her memoirs, The Woman Warrior, celebrate this victorious journey from a once silenced Chinese immigrant to a liberated Chinese-American young woman. The most integral part of this coming …

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…freedom as both a female and an immigrant: a talk-story that does her heritage proud. Works Cited Huntley, E. D.. Maxine Hong Kingston, A Critical Companion. Westport, Connecticut. Greenwood Press, 2001. Kingston, Maxine Hong. "The Woman Warrior." New York: Vintage International, 1989. Malaspina Great Books. "Maxine Hong Kingston." 31 October 2003. Miller, Peggy. "Personal Storytelling as a Medium of Socialization in Chinese and American Families." Child Development. June 1997, Volume 68, Number 3, pages 557-568.