Talk-back radio with ridley scott

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1080 words HSC English Advanced Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Contexts Elective 2: In the wild. Talk-Back Radio Script Richard Glover: Good morning listener, welcome to this mornings program. I am excited to introduce to you this morning guest, Mr. Ridley Scott. He will, of course, be best known to most as the director of the controversial 1992 film 'Blade Runner' Welcome to our program Ridley. Ridley Scott: Thank you Richard. This is my first trip …

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…sure all out listeners agree that your film will always remain a classic. I guess that both 'Blade Runner' and 'Brave new World' hint at where we might be heading if we allow science and technology to dictate the natural rhythms of our world. It's definitely something to think about... That's all for today folks, thanks for tuning in. Tomorrow we will be interviewing Dr T. Rell - the world renowned specialist in genetic engineering.